I’m not sure what criteria are met when something is listed
as one of the wonders of the world, but in my view, the Internet should be on
the list. It has changed the world so much in such a short time. But change, as it has always been, is a
double-edged sword. Every day I find myself feeling grateful for the good the
Internet does in my life. I communicate through it, I find answers to difficult
questions through it, I discover beautiful things I never knew existed through
it, I am educated through it, and I buy things through it. But even as I list
these things related to the Internet that thrill me I am a little frightened by
the power the Internet has to replace my physical, tactile world with an
ephemeral, virtual world.

Other physical experiences that are in danger are hearing the
voices of loved ones. I hear complaints of parents everywhere that they cannot
get a child to answer their mobile phone. If they want to get a response they
have to text them instead. Texting is certainly convenient. I can send my
daughter a text when she is in school knowing that if she is in class where she
is not allowed to read it or respond she will do so as soon as she is able. I
like that. But what I like even more is answering my phone and hearing the
voice that is uniquely hers say, “Hello, Daddy.” Texts all sound alike. If
someone took the texts from my children and removed the “sent from “ names I
could not tell which child sent which text except perhaps by context. Luckily, at least for now, my children will
still call me or answer their phones when I call them. I love the sound of each
of their voices.
There are still plenty of books being printed in physical
form, but I think they are trending toward the endangered species list. I suffer from a dual personality on this
subject. The progressive me absolutely loves reading digital books on my
tablet. I just finished a book and tonight I will select another. To do this I
will press an icon on my tablet, scroll through a list of books, press another
icon to purchase the book, and within seconds will be reading that book on the
tablet. I will do all this while lying in bed. How great is that! Having such
easy access to books makes me want to stand up and do a jig. And then reading
the book is so easy. My thumb doesn’t get tired holding the book open. One side
of the book doesn’t cast a shadow on the other side of the book. A breeze doesn’t
keep trying to change the page on me. But wait a minute. The very things I love
about e-books renders obsolete so many other things I love about books. I miss the smell of the bookstore. I miss the
sight of bound books in all colors and sizes. I miss the feel of running my
finger along a shelf full of books as I walk by. I miss flipping through the
pages until I reach a page with a picture on it. We have shelves of books at
home. Some of my books are leather bound, edged with gold leave, satin
interior, the typeface a carefully picked font—works of art! I don’t want these
to become obsolete and yet I complain when I can’t get a book in electronic
format. I know in the end the electronic books are going to win and the tactile
book reading experience will become obsolete.

What a wonderful piece of art! The vivid use of senses was excellent. I will always have a soft place in my heart for books.
I agree. The virtual world is overtaking the real world and almost everyone fails to appreciate the glory of the senses around us, and many can't even handle it. In many ways technology is making us autistic, unable to deal with the input of our senses. (Temple Granden had great things to say about the sensory experience of autism)
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