The day of our marriage almost 29 years ago. |
Marriage is the ultimate test in life. The majority of those
who try it will fail at least once in life. Think about it. You take two
individuals--each with their own wills, dreams, and desires—and put them in an
endless situation where they have to work together as one to attain goals in
this world. How is that supposed to turn out good? The truth is that it cannot
turn out good unless both members of the marriage follow one rule—that is to
place the happiness of their spouse above their own happiness.
That is such a simple rule to type and comprehend. Still, it
is almost impossible to live. There are four little “gotchas,” any one of which
will break the “rule” and destroy the marriage.
- The first gotcha is that both members of the
marriage have to be fully participating in placing their spouse’s happiness
over their own. If only one spouse is participating the marriage will fail in
one way or another. But before you complain that your spouse isn’t living this
rule see gotcha number 2 and 3.
- The second gotcha is that one spouse cannot be
demanding that the other spouse be participating in this rule. The rule is
broken unless it is being followed without any coercion whatsoever
- The third gotcha is that you cannot monitor how
well your spouse is following the rule. Monitoring your spouse’s success at
following the rule is breaking the rule and will break the marriage. You monitor yourself and that’s it.
- The fourth gotcha is that the rule must be
followed for as long as the marriage lasts. There is no respite, reprieve, or
vacation from living the rule.
Is it any wonder why marriages fail? Following the rule is
asking a human being to be more than a human being naturally is. Perhaps this
is what marriage is all about. We human beings are naturally selfish. A
successful marriage requires that a man and a woman become something greater
than what they were on the day of their marriage. Isn’t that interesting?
Marriage is something that can make the world a better place by making human
beings better beings.
I think most of us older, married couples will see a young
couple who are courting and get a little sentimental about “young love.” The
young couple will be seated close to each other in the car as if the short ride
to the cinema is too long to be separated by a few feet. Then there are the
loving looks between them that just melt our hearts. And yet when I hear their
protestations of love for each other I almost want to laugh (or maybe cry)
because I know there is a very, very good chance that their marriage will end
with them hating each other. When they tell me they love each other I want to
respond, “Come back still married in twenty years and I might believe you.”
I have been married for 28 years. I was 23 and she 18 when
we married. That fact that we are still married now is a miracle. No, maybe it
isn’t a miracle. A miracle denotes a mysterious act of God. While I think that
our marriage is miraculous I know the miracle only happened due to decisions my
wife and I made.
Our marriage was troubled from the beginning. Tolstoy, in
the opening paragraph of Anna Karenina
states that “Happy families all happy the same way. Every unhappy family is
unhappy in its own way.” I disagree with this great author. You may get a lot
of writing material out of a family’s unhappiness, but the unhappiness always
stems from the same cause—selfishness. I caused unhappiness in my marriage due
to selfishness, only I didn’t recognize it as that. In spite of the reason for
my unhappiness I remember making two decisions that made all the difference in
my marriage.
- We had children fairly early on in our marriage.
I had seen first-hand what divorce does to children and I decided that I would
not make my children pay for my problems. I decided that I would never leave my
wife, no matter how unhappy I was.
- My second decision was where the miracle was
born. Eventually (I’m a slow learner)it made sense to me that if I was
determined to stay with my wife no matter what wouldn’t I be a fool if I didn’t
try to find a way to be happy in the marriage? I mean how much virtue can there
be by choosing to stay with my wife no matter what and choosing to be miserable
the whole time? I may as well look for praise and happiness by standing in ice
cold water for no real reason when there is a dry pair of socks and warm boots
setting on the bank nearby.
Barbara and me 29 years and eight children later. |
In the days, weeks, and years that followed my decision to
be happy in my marriage I must have stumbled into learning how to live “the
rule” (a miracle perhaps). All I know is that I have discovered that I have the
loveliest, the most graceful, the most courageous, and the most thoughtful wife
a man could have. The “mosts” could go
on a lot longer, but I don’t want you to get sick of the sweetness that I
Barbara and I have years to go on this Earth. We have five
more children to raise, financial pressures to deal with, uncoordinated dreams
to coordinate. I am not afraid. Now that we have found our footing all of these
challenges represent an opportunity to learn to love each other more.
I love getting to know couples who have been married forty
and fifty years and longer. When I see them hold hands and chat pleasantly I
know that their love hasn’t come easily, but was forged in fires that destroy
lesser marriages. These are the gold
medalists of the relationship Olympics; the superheroes of Gotham City. Move
over movie celebrities and pro athletes; the people who really make a
difference that matters in this world are those who find joy in marriage.